Burn Out, It Happens to Everyone

As a bedside Registered Nurse in critical care, I had no clue what burn out even was or that I may even be susceptible to something that could take over my physical body without even realizing what was happening.

I assumed the time to change career focus would come from boredom, ready for the next thing and ready for change. Little did I know, this popular topic of burn out can come abruptly and can be incredibly consuming.

I remember the summer it began for me, I was wanting a break, I needed a change and looking back, it felt a bit urgent. I was almost desperate for a solution that was fitting and also exciting to me. I loved to work, challenge myself with hard work yet rewarding work and especially when it involved helping others. ICU nursing was something I embodied and loved.

Long story short, I came to realize I was burning out, my body was beyond an exhaustion point and it was the cause of my brittle, fine hair that I had assumed was a result of coloring it and hot tools. I’ll share more of that story along the way in upcoming blogs, spreading awareness is a key to my goal here.

After going through shifts, changes and new learning about burn out, PTSD and true mental exhaustion that boiled over into physical symptoms; a new understanding began to emerge about wellness and self care.

I’m continuously learning, observing and implementing these, life lessons. No matter what profession you are in, what business you own or your current purpose and goal, burn out does exist without awareness and implementing tools as soon as you notice the signals.

In my first 60 days of being a small business over, one thing I’ve made note of it in myself as well as observing in others, the capacity that you have is easily spread thin. When your capacity is spread thin, you don't have much energy to give others, to show up for others and especially in the way you want to as your best self. It's just not possible.

Yet every business owner, particularly in the beginning phases, you're continually saying yes. Saying yes opens doors of opportunities, networking magic, bringing in new clientele and at times the small business owner pays the ultimate price of self sacrificing to chase their dreams.

It's not easy to chase your dreams and your passions. It takes grit, it takes pouring you're entire being into your goals. And everyone manages it differently.

When you find yourself teeth gritting, grinding/hustling and zero time for unwinding and remaining healthy is the yellow light alert. When you enter this zone, proceed with caution, the red light is coming if you don’t yield and tend to your self, the crash into burnout does happen.

The warning signs are:

  • irritability

  • quick to get frustrated

  • impatient

  • exhaustion

  • muscle cramps

  • short fused

    When you know you're not truly being yourself and you're wondering why you're not showing up well for others, it's time to take beneficial actions for your mental health and collective well being. It doesn't mean there's anything 'wrong' with you or you're weak or you can't do it all, you just need some rest and downtime to rejuvenate.

 Some people don't need too much to rejuvenate themselves and that's great, just take the time to refuel.

 Great options include:

  • Sound baths

  • Meditate and Yoga

  • Enhancing your night time routine

  • Decrease screen time

  • Enforce strict bedtime on yourself

  • Find stillness and grounding for 10-20 minutes daily

  • Allow brain and mind rest with meditation

  • Facial or massage therapy

  • IV hydration and nutrient replenisher

  • Increase sleeping hours for at least 3 nights per week

With utilizing these tools, you can find your homeostasis again and start feeling better more frequently in hopes of avoiding the crash and burn.

Show up for yourself so you may show up for others and your goals.

Stay tuned, there’s more to come as we grow in this space here together.

If you’re looking for support for burnout, mental and physical exhaustion, I’d love to work with you. Depending on your goals and what you’re interested in, using the holistic approach, we can do yoga sessions to move the stress and tension, we can do IV treatments to refresh your body, your organs and give yourself an overall boost of energy plus mental clarity. I offer online meetings if you’re not nearby to meet in person.

When you reduce stress, decrease body tension and relax more, you’re improving hormone balances. Living in a high stress state, also known as fight or flight, does and will take a toll on you as too many hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are being released due to the reaction of your nervous system.

I believe wholeheartedly in these treatments and would be thrilled to help.

Your wellness matters and there are tools available to learn and implement in your life.

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may your light continue to be bright,

Audra Leigh


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