Altitude Sickness Understood

Altitude Sickness, you most likely have heard of this thing that happens in the mountains.

It happens mainly to visitors and even those who are locals. 

So what really is Altitude Sickness? Well it’s also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), is a condition that can occur when an individual ascends to high altitudes too quickly, typically above 8,000 feet (2,500 meters). This happens because, at higher altitudes, the atmospheric pressure decreases, resulting in lower levels of oxygen in the air. The body's response to this reduced oxygen availability can cause a range of symptoms.

There are several types of altitude sickness varying in severity. The most common in Colorado is Acute Mountain Sickness.

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS): The most common, and usually mild, form of altitude sickness. Symptoms include headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.

Typical symptoms of AMS include:

  • Headache

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

  • Fatigue or weakness

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Loss of appetite

  • Shortness of breath on exertion

Rest and Hydration are key components of treating Altitude Sickness.

If you’re new to the area or prone to altitude sickness, you can get ahead of the curve and prehydrate to start your visit. Drink plenty of water, electrolytes and take it easy on alcohol and caffeine as you acclimate to the high country. Alcohol and caffeine are known to add to dehydration. As a preventative measure, an IV hydration drip is highly recommended.

If you end up getting affected by the altitude on your visit to the high country of Colorado, not to worry, IV hydration and oxygen will restore your body back to baseline so you can enjoy your vacation. When you get hungover, it can amplify your symptoms and the perfect resolution is fluids and electrolytes straight to the bloodstream for quick results to resume your vacation.

Feel free to reach out to us directly to schedule an appointment or book in advance for yourself or your entire party upon arrival. We cover bachelorette and bachelor parties, wedding parties, work retreats, family getaways and whatever else brings you and your group together in the mountains. 


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