6 Components to Holistic Health

6 Components of Holistic Health, a break down and overview to your wellness journey to optimal health and a happy life.

Each component acts as a compartment that has files that intertwine with one another in quiet ways that are easily overlooked

  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Intellectual

  • Social

  • Spiritual

  • Financial

When 1 or more is out of balance, it can cause disruption in other areas of your life.

Awareness of your *Roots* in these components, you can find your *Keys* to unlocking a better way of living.

  1. Physical Health. Tune into your physical needs, find exercises that you enjoy and make you want to keep you showing up for yourself. Hydrate your internal organs, especially your brain and kidneys! Go to Healthcare Provider Check-Ups. Tune into your nervous system and what your body needs. Focus on the nutritional needs of your body. Eat clean, whole foods. Reduce the use of processed foods, sugars, gluten. Do a diet cleanse and find what your body likes the most based on how you feel, puffy? bloated? upset stomach? Explore what interest you, it’s an instinct that’s placed there for a reason.

  2. Emotional Health. Understand your stress, your joy, your anger and get to know yourself a bit deeper by learning your habits. We all have them and sometimes they're not our favorite thing to own up to but it gets better! Emotional and Nervous System Regulation is a beautiful thing. Feeling frustrated? Short fused? Constantly sad? Take some time to reflect on why, tracing the roots to your keys on a better way to do things that truly feel lighter.

  3. Intellectual Health. Learn how your brain learns best, adapts and even your challenges. Personality test and self reflection are great places to start learning and getting to know yourself. Meyers Briggs, Enneagram, Human Design, Zodiac Signs. Explore how you do things and why. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, Accountability Coaches.

  4. Social Health. The company you keep is important. Building strong relationships with family, friends and community builds happiness and a sense of belonging. If you don't have family or friends available, join a new community or fitness/exercise studio! There are people out there that want to meet you too! Plus look at your work environment - this can play huuuge factor on your day to day feelings. Toxic work environments can chip away at your soul.

  5. Spiritual Health. Connection to your inner soul, your purpose and a higher power. Embodying a sense of purpose is a strong tool that feels grounding in your day to day. Create a morning ritual using meditation, prayer and daily reads. Religion any any belief system that fits you. Pulling methods from different religions and using what makes sense to you.

  6. Financial Health. Finances play a role in each component. Find your true feelings on your financial status. Create realistic goals and understand things don't change over night. Be at peace with what is in your control and take actions when you can. And don’t forget. it always gets better.

You may find a couple different variations to the aspects and components of holistic health with that meaning there could a focus on 5, 6, 7 or 8 different aspects. We like to focus on six as we guide to build out your self awareness piece by piece on your wellness journey.

If you're looking for more resources and guidance, let us know in the comments what else you would find helpful. If you're interested in more 1:1 guidance and holistic health nurse assistance, reach out, let's talk more! We offer online or in person Holistic Nurse Coach assistance by our founder and owner, Audra. She’s an expert in guiding you to your goals and holding space for you to feel comfortable in sharing.

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